Toxic hepatitis: literature review


  • Luís Costa Matos Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de São Teotónio S.A., Viseu
  • Borges Martins Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de São Teotónio S.A., Viseu


Toxic hepatitis, drug hepatitis


We consider toxic hepatitis to be liver injury caused by chemical or
pharmacological agents and we feel that it should be considered
in the initial differential diagnosis of liver disease. The authors
present a literature review of this subject, including hepatic drug
metabolism physiology, diagnostic criteria, laboratory and clinical presentations, and a review of the classic hepatotoxic drugs,
as well as newer drugs, excipients and “natural” products, that
sometimes cause hepatic damage.


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How to Cite

Costa Matos L, Martins B. Toxic hepatitis: literature review. RPMI [Internet]. 2005 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];12(4):239-58. Available from:



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