Fahr ́s Syndrome: An Unexpected Clinical Case
Basal Ganglia Diseases, CalcinosisAbstract
Fahr ́s disease is characterized by deposits of calcium in the brain. It manifests itself at any age, most often in the 4th de- cade of life. The clinical presentation is variable and can be presented from the asymptomatic form, to the combination of various neurological symptoms, including impaired cognitive function (dementia), motor or language changes, seizures, headache, muscular stiffness, among others. The diagnosis is usually clinical, associated with hypocalcemia and calcifi- cation of the basal ganglia in imaging tests. It is an incurable disease, with reserved and fatal prognosis. We describe a case of a 68-year-old male patient, with complaints of gene- ralized muscle rigidity, perioral fasciculations and slowness of writing movements that started a clinical study after the beginning of fainting episodes preceded by chills, nausea and headache. Analytically the presence of hypocalcaemia of 6.2 mg/dL and computed tomography scan showed multi- ple calcifications involving the basal ganglia.
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