Nongonococcal Septic Arthritis in the Adult
Arthritis, Infectious/diagnosis, Arthritis, Infectious/etiology, Arthritis, Infectious/microbiology, Arthritis, Infectious/therapyAbstract
Septic arthritis (SA) is a rare rheumatological emergency associated with high mobidity and mortality rates. Functional outcome of the involved joint and patient survival depend
mainly on early recognition and timely onset of the appropriate
therapy. Despite the development and availability of laboratory
and image tests, clinical suspicion remains the most important
factor for a prompt diagnosis. Empirical antibiotic therapy is
based on the host risk factors and the result of synovial fluid
gram stain. Definitive diagnosis is achieved after isolating the
pathogenic agent in synovial fluid. Staphylococcus aureus is
the most commonly isolated agent and, in recent years, have
witnessed the increased importance of the methicillin resistant
strain. Most published guidelines on diagnostic approach and
treatment management are based on expert consensus. It is
essential to strengthen the importance of prompt diagnosis in
order to reduce SA morbidity and mortality rates. Therefore,
authors consider relevant to review the clinical approach, additional diagnostic tests, treatment and management of complications. Only nongonococcal SA in the adult will be reviewed
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