The rise and decline of human hydatid disease in Portugal: historical-epidemiological analysis


  • J. A. David de Morais Consulta de Hidatidologia do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora


hydatid disease, epidemiology, hydatid disease incidence, Portugal, Alentejo


The author analyses here the official statistics and his own 30-
year casuistry about human hydatid disease, for the purpose of
clarifying the fallacious statement that Portugal, in general, and
the Alentejo, in particular, is hyper endemic in this parasitical
zoonosis. Thus, the occurrence of hydatid disease is analyzed
at several levels: Country, Great Regions, Alentejo, Evora district,
and the counties of this district.
The final conclusion is that the majority of the Country is, in
general, sine endemic in human hydatid disease, the only occurrences being sporadic cases that are, more often than not, the
result of old infections. As far as the Alentejo is concerned – in the
past the largest endemic region of Portugal – there are counties
in the districts of Portalegre and Beja that are sine endemic, and
some hypo-endemic; only the district of Évora has a few counties
that are meso-endemic and only one that is hyper-endemic.


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How to Cite

David de Morais JA. The rise and decline of human hydatid disease in Portugal: historical-epidemiological analysis. RPMI [Internet]. 2010 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];17(4):274-85. Available from:



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