
  • Joana Sá Interna do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital de São Bernardo, Setúbal
  • Mário Parreira Assistente Eventual de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital de São Bernardo, Setúbal
  • Cristina Lobato Interna do Internato Complementar de Gastrenterologia, Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital de São Bernardo, Setúbal
  • Paula Custódio Interna do Internato Complementar de Oncologia, Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital de São Bernardo, Setúbal
  • José Poças Assistente Hospitalar de Medicina, Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital de São Bernardo, Setúbal


HIV, Internal Medicine, district hospital


The authors present a retrospective analysis of HIV infected patients treated in an Internai Medi­cine Ward, from January 1992 to June 1995. The following parameters were analysed: number of admissions per patient, time of permanence in the hospital, opportunistic complications, final outcome, medical counselling at leaving and dis­tribution according to sex, age, ethnic, infectious virus, risk group and staging.

From the results one can highlight the following: 61 patients were admitted, with a total of 134 ad­missions: 20 in 1992, 35 in 1993, 60 in 1994 and 19 during the first semester of 1995. 57% of the pati­ents were drugs addicts and the most frequent opportunistic infection was tuberculosis. Of the 202 opportunistic complications observed, we could reach an accurate diagnosis in 47,6% of the cases. The average time of permanence in the hos­pital was 15,8 days. Mortality was 10% and 94% of the patients were sent to the outpatient clinic of Infectious Diseases. The authors tried to ma­tch the results with the social and economical si­tuation, comparing them with other national ca­suisty.

The authors conclusion is that the HIV infecti­on is more and more an important reason of ad­mission, even in District Hospitals and in Inter­nal Medicine Wards.


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How to Cite

Sá J, Parreira M, Lobato C, Custódio P, Poças J. PATIENTS WITH HIV INFECTION IN A DISTRITAL HOSPITAL. RPMI [Internet]. 1996 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 May 21];3(3):145-51. Available from:



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