Assessment and Medical Intervention of the Patient with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Review Article
Intracranial Hemorrhages, Intracranial Hypertension, Intracranial Pressure; StrokeAbstract
Intracranial hemorrhage affects over one million people worldwide, representing up to 27% of the total number of strokes. It has a high morbidity and mortality rates. Being a medical emergency, a swift diagnosis and rapid institution of prognostic changing measures is of the utmost importance. This article aims at reviewing the most recent guidelines and more relevant data published in order to define the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of intracranial hemorrhage. After a quick diagnosis, the application of severity scales is crucial to the stratification of the risk and in the definition of the most suitable therapeutical strategy, including medical and surgical measures. Medical interventions can be divided as primary and secondary. Primary measures include aggressive control of the blood pressure, reversal of anti-coagulation and rapid evaluation for the need of surgical intervention. Secondary measures include body temperature control, normoglycemia and hemodynamic, mental status and intracranial pressure monitoring. Simultaneously with the therapeutic approach, diligences must be initiated to ensure the transference of the patient to the right level of care, since delaying this step is associated with worse prognosis. This article intends to create an auxiliary tool in giving the best possible care to the patients with intracranial hemorrhage.
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