Evaluation of the Effect of Hemoglobin Concentration and of Mean Corpuscular Volume on the Hemoglobin A1c Level: A Retrospective Study
Hemoglobin A, Glycosylated, Hematologic Tests, HemoglobinsAbstract
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder
characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and by the development
of serious complications which determine the loss of the
patient’s quality of life. The evaluation of the glycemic control
in diabetic patients can be made based on the glycated
hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) value. However, several studies
reported that anemia may limit the determination of HbA1c.
Therefore it is important to assess the relationship between
the HbA1c value, the hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and
the mean corpuscular volume (MCV).
Material and Methods: Retrospective study, performed in a
central hospital, based on the collection of HbA1c values and
hematological parameters, such as [Hb] and MCV in all analyses
performed in the last 10 years (2005-2015).
Results: The results showed that when MCV< 80 fL and [Hb]<
12 g/dL (women) or [Hb]< 13 g/dL (men), the HbA1c value was
significantly higher than the value determined when MCV>80
fL and [Hb] ≥ 12 g/dL (women) or [Hb]≥13 g/dL (men).
Conclusion: The results of this study confirmed that the [Hb]
and the MCV may influence the value of HbA1c. In a diabetic
patient, an increased value of HbA1c may not be indicative of
poor metabolic control but it could be associated with anemia.
It is therefore, important to make the determination of HbA1c
and correlate the value with the [Hb], the MCV and plasma
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