Primary solitary amyloidoma of the lumbar spine
primary amyloidoma, lumbar spine, amyloidosisAbstract
Primary solitary amyloidoma of the spine is an extremely rare form
of localized deposits of amyloid on bone tissue and has a predilection for the thoracic region. It arises within the bone marrow of
the vertebral body, causing pain and neurologic symptoms due to
bone destruction with fracture and collapse, visible on imagiologic
studies as osteolytic lesions usually associated with adjacent soft
tissue masses. The duration of symptomatology can be of several
years before diagnosis, although clinical deterioration may be rapid
and severe, with acute neurologic compression, radiculopathy,
myelopathy and paraplegia, leading to the necessity of emergency
surgery. The prognosis after total excision and spinal stabilization
is generally excellent, as patients with solitary amyloidoma have
no known risk of development of multiple myeloma or systemic
amyloidosis. The authors report the case of a patient with solitary
amyloidoma of the lumbar spine who unfortunately had a dismal
outcome, due to acute nosocomial pneumonia and sepsis by
Acinetobacter baumanii and extended-spectrum β-lactamase
Escherichia coli occurring after open spinal biopsy.
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