State-of-the-art skin testing in allergy studies
allergy, skin prick tests, specific IgEAbstract
Allergies are a growing problem in modern societies, with about
20% of the world population suffering from allergic rhinitis,
asthma or atopic eczema. When the patient presents symptoms
consistent with allergy, the physician must evaluate whether there
is an allergic mechanism, choosing the most adequate test for
the situation and which allergens are involved. The diagnosis
of IgE-mediated allergic diseases is based upon skin testing
and/or specific serum IgE measurement. When skin tests are
performed, it is important to use standardized allergen extracts,
using positive and negative controls, having criteria of positivity
and always integrate the results in the context of the clinical
history. It is therefore important to train investigators/clinicians to
performing such technique, because when correctly carried out,
skin prick tests are the preferred method for the confirmation of
allergen sensitivity.
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