Integrated clinical approach. Considerations regarding a serious case of multiple echinococcosis
Clinical Approach, echinococcosis, “Evidence-Based Medicine”Abstract
The author counts himself among the internal medical practitioners
that have taken a serious interest in the growing “programming”
of the clinical practice, bearing in mind that utilizing the guidelines and “Evidence-Based Medicine” - often in an uncritical and
passive manner – has contributed significantly for a standardized
approach to the treatment of patients. On the other hand, there are
more and more important breakthroughs in Biomedical Research
(immunology, immunogenetics, etc.) and medical practitioners are
slow in integrating these breakthroughs into their daily clinical
practice. For this reason, this study proposes a holistic handling of
the patient — which the author calls Integrated Clinical Approach
— and, to illustrate this “methodology” in a concrete manner, he
offers an example of the study and treatment of a serious case of multiple cystic echinococcosis.
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