Spondylodiscitis and epidural abscess - two clinical cases


  • Hans Peter Grebe Interno do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina III dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coim­bra
  • Paulo Ferreira Interno do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina III dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coim­bra
  • Carmen do Carmo Interna do Internato Complementar de Nefrologia, Serviço de Medicina III dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coim­bra
  • Adriano Rodrigues Assistente Graduado de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina III dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coim­bra
  • Eurico Almiro Chefe de Serviço de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina III dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coim­bra


spondylodiscitis, epidural abscess, magnetic resonance imaging


Spondylodiscitis and spinal epidural abscesses are rare pathologic entities, but increasing in incidence. They often present clinically in a non-specific fashion, a fact which can Jead to diagnostic delay, with serious consequences for the patient. A high levei of suspicion is therefore necessary in order correctly diagnose such entities as quickly as possible. A patient with otherwise unexplained spinal pain should be submitted to a careful clinicai, Jaboratory, radiologic and neurologic exam. Once the diagnosis is established, adequate intravenous antibiotic treatment must be given, for at Jeast four weeks, and in the presence of neurological defects, neurosurgical intervention is often indicated.

We present two cases which illustrate specific aspects of diagnosis, clinical evolution and therapeutic problems, associated with this pathology. 


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How to Cite

Grebe HP, Ferreira P, do Carmo C, Rodrigues A, Almiro E. Spondylodiscitis and epidural abscess - two clinical cases. RPMI [Internet]. 2001 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];8(4):188-91. Available from: https://revista.spmi.pt/index.php/rpmi/article/view/1922



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