AIDS in the elderly
AIDS, elderly, toxoplasmosis, dementiaAbstract
The authors report a case of a 72 years old male who was admitted into hospital with a 3-4 months history ofgeneral weakness, loss of appe tite and weight loss. One week prior to admissi on, the patient developed diarrhoea, that was associated with cognitive and gait impairment. On physical examination, the patient was disorientated in space and time, presenting a generalized flaccid muscle weakness, impairedgait and cervical lymphadenopathy.
Complementary investigations confirmed the diagnosis of an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and cerebral toxoplasmosis. The brain CT scan showed right cerebral hemisphere lesions conditioning signs of "space ocupying lesions".
The patient had a good response to treatment indicated by a signiflcant regression of his dementia as well as gait improvement.
We hope to call attention, by presenting this case, to the importance of the diagnosis of AIDS as a cause of dementia in elderly patients.
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