Pheochromocytoma: 3 clinical case reports


  • Ramiro Carvalho Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • Fátima Branquinho Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • João Sousa Ramos Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • José E. Carrasquinho Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • Rita Theias Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • José Calado Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • Fernando Ferrito Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • Cristina Carmona Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca
  • Luís Dutschmann Serviço de Medicina II do Hospital Fernando Fonseca


phaeochromocytoma, hypertension, metanephrine


Phaeochromocytomas are rare neuroendocrine tumours with a
highly variable clinical presentation, most commonly presenting
with episodes of headaches, sweating, palpitations and hypertension. The serious and potentially lethal cardiovascular complications of these tumours are due to the potent effects of secreted
catecholamines. Biochemical testing for phaechromocytoma is
indicated, not only in symptomatic patients, but also in patients
with adrenal incidentalomas or identified genetic predispositions
(multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2, Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome,
neurofibromatosis type 1).
The authors report three cases in which a biochemical diagnosis of phaeochromocytoma was made: the first refers to a 30
year-old man admitted for investigation of a right adrenal 6cm
diameter incidentaloma; the second is a 35 year-old woman
studied for secondary hypertension and the third a 59 year-old
woman, otherwise healthy, with a right supra-renal node on a
routine ultrasound exam. Imaging techniques such as CT, MRI
and functional ligands such as I123-MIBG were used to localize
the biochemically proven tumour.
After the use of appropriate preoperative treatment to block the
effects of secreted cathecolamines, laparoscopic tumour removal
was the preferred procedure.
Prognosis is excellent.


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How to Cite

Carvalho R, Branquinho F, Sousa Ramos J, Carrasquinho JE, Theias R, Calado J, Ferrito F, Carmona C, Dutschmann L. Pheochromocytoma: 3 clinical case reports. RPMI [Internet]. 2009 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 30];16(1):43-9. Available from:



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