Left supraclavicular lymph node enlargement as the initial manifestation of metastatic prostate cancer
Prostate cancer, metastasis, supraclavicular nodesAbstract
The involvement of supraclavicular lymph nodes in metastatic
prostate cancer is usually considered uncommon, and is extremely rare as the initial manifestation of the disease. We describe
the clinical case of a 77 year-old man, who presented with left
supraclavicular lymphadenopathy for 3 months, with no other
symptoms. The investigation led to the diagnosis of prostate cancer with metastatic ganglionar dissemination. Hormonal therapy
induced an almost complete regression of all lymphadenopathies
and a reduction of PSA from 4642 ng/dl to 0.1 ng/dl. Prostate
cancer must always be considered in the differential diagnosis of
supraclavicular lymphadenopathies in patients with more than 45
year-old, even in the absence of prostatic symptoms. The recent
suggestion that this presentation could be more frequent than
traditionally reported is discussed.
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