Vitamin D Deficiency as a Cause of Proximal Myopathy


  • Cristiana Almeida Serviço de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova Gaia/Espinho, Portugal
  • Margarida Correia Serviço de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova Gaia/Espinho, Portugal
  • Luís Andrade Serviço de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova Gaia/Espinho, Portugal
  • Vítor Paixão Dias Serviço de Medicina Interna, Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova Gaia/Espinho, Portugal



Liver Abscess, Muscular Diseases, Muscle Weakness, Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency, Weight Loss


The proximal myopathy (MP), symmetrical proximal muscle weakness of the limbs, has many causes, some treatable and
cost-effective when diagnosed. We report the case of a 71-years-old woman, who one year earlier had undergone subtotal gastrectomy for antrum adenocarcinoma with marked
weight loss later. Admitted with bilateral decreased proximal muscle strength for nearly a month and fever the day before.
Fever, painful abdomen in the right hypochondrium and symmetrical painful proximal myopathy, impaired gait and standing
position were found. Analytically, elevated inflammatory markers, serological, virological and microbiological (hemocultures,
urocultures) negative study, thyroid profile and phosphocalcic
metabolism without changes, and serious lack of vitamin D.
Computed tomography with hepatic abscess treated without neuromuscular improvement. Clear recovery after supplementation with vitamin D alone. Hypovitaminosis D should be considered in the study of acute proximal myopathy, even when
sun exposure is satisfactory or if there are no changes in phosphocalcic metabolism.


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How to Cite

Almeida C, Correia M, Andrade L, Paixão Dias V. Vitamin D Deficiency as a Cause of Proximal Myopathy. RPMI [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 7];22(2):88-90. Available from:



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