Pneumonias in a medical ward - A retrospective study


  • António J. Pinho Interno do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de S. João, Porto
  • A. Gonçalves Interno do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de S. João, Porto
  • Iolanda Mota Interna do Internato Complementar de Pneumologia, Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de S. João, Porto
  • José Carlos Interno do Internato Complementar de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de S. João, Porto
  • Carlos Dias Assistente Graduado de Medicina Interna, Serviço de Medicina 1 do Hospital de S. João, Porto


pneumonia, diagnosis, coexistent di­seases, antibiotic therapy


The authors review the pneumonia cases ad­mitted in an Internai Medicine Department of a Central Hospital in Oporto - Portugal from January to December 1994. All the patients whose dis­charge diagnosis included the word "pneumonia" were included The prevalence of respiratory di­seases and, among these, the pneumonia has been recorded. They have studied the number of ca­ses, its distribution by age and sex groups, rele­vant clinical data for diagnosis mentioned in the admission notes, prevalence of coexistent disea­ses, smoking, radiologic localization, other com­plementary tests (chest x-ray, sputum cultures, broncofibroscopy), most used antibiotic therapy and its changes, clinical outcome, average duration of stay, mortality and global results.

Pneumonia was a frequent cause of admission (9,3%), mainly male patients (63,2%), and affec­ted females were older. Fever (67,2%) and cough (52,7%) were the clinical data most commonly found Sputum cultures were positive in 18,2% and blood cultures in 13,6%. The right lung (39,3%) and the inferior lobes were more commonly affected Heart failure (24,8%), diabetes mellitus (21,1%), COPD (20,2%), chronic alchoolism (14,7%) are the most commun associated diseases. Smokers ac­ count for 17,2% of studied cases. Beta-lactamic antibiotics alone or associated to amicacin, or erithromycin were the therapeutic choice in most cases. Global results were good with 85,2% of im­ provement or cure, and average time of stay was 12,9 days.


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How to Cite

Pinho AJ, Gonçalves A, Mota I, Carlos J, Dias C. Pneumonias in a medical ward - A retrospective study. RPMI [Internet]. 2023 Aug. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 18];3(2):83-91. Available from:



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